🤖AI & automations

Here we'll explain what you can automate with Cycle.

Table of content

Cross-feedback AI-generated summaries

Save hours of navigating through feedback, and instead get instant insights. This feature is perfect for understanding core customer needs when you have hundreds of feedback entries.

Search a specific area in your dashboard, click "Summarize," and get a quick, clear summary of the main points. Use it for:

  • High-Level Prioritization: Select a segment and see the biggest needs at a glance.

  • Granular Insights: Dive into specific topics to identify the most important parts

Cherry on the cake, it’s super easy to copy-paste the result and share it with your colleagues.

Cycle Ask

Want to know what makes customers angry? Wonder what the main customer pain points are this quarter? Curious to learn what your top customers love about your product? Just ask!

Cycle Ask will browse through all of your customer feedback and give you an answer in no time 🤗

Closing the loop on Slack

We already covered in the Slack section how to automatically keep people up to date with product updates related to the feedback they shared on Slack and how to react to a message to fetch it in your Cycle inbox.

Video & audio transcripts

We know those sales calls, customer chats, and brainstorming sessions contain pure gold. But it’s hard to be in the moment and ask the right questions while taking notes. To change that, here's our Transcript feature.

Drop an audio/video file, hit "get transcript", and voila! You can also type /transcript and upload a file to be even more efficient.

And yes, it's multilingual - works in over 20 languages!

Get an audio? The flow is the same.

And sine you know exactly the language spoken in your call and want a transcript in the same language, you can define it upfront to be sure to get the desired result.

Image to text

Similar to the transcript, you can get the text from any image/PDF. Just select it and click on “Get transcript”.

AI-powered editor

We already covered in the editor section the different commands you have at hand whenever you select a text. You'll also be able to use custom prompts soon.

You can now also use custom AI prompts in the editor.

👉 When selecting some text 👉 When iterating on an AI answer 👉 Just by typing /ai in your editor

Some cool use cases: write a release note, PRD, or story based on your doc content.

Last updated